14, Jupiter Str. Villa Zone Zora Sunny Beach 8240, Bulgaria
Special Offers
Early Booking
Don't miss our special price with a 20% discount for reservations until 10.07.2021!
Enter the desired dates and the specific offer will appear under each room type. The offer is valid for a minimum of 3 nights and is non-refundable (in case of cancellation or know-show the value is not refundable).
Double room with Half Board (breakfast & dinner) at 32.99 lv / per person*
Dinner is on a set menu basis and consists of:
- soup or salad - main course - dessert
* when booked by 2 fully paying guests in a double room * third guest or children at the age of 7 and above, with 2 fully paying guests in the room, pay 24.99 lv / night * the offer is valid for reservations until 30.06.2021
For reservations and information call us on +359 899 77 88 80 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roman Kitik2020-10-27 14:46:07Special Offershttps://mail.villasol.bg/images/special-offers.jpgRoman Kitikhttps://mail.villasol.bg/templates/villasol/images/logo.png